6 Figure Teens: Make Six Figures Before Your 21st Birthday (6 Figure University Book 5)

6 Figure Teens: Make Six Figures Before Your 21st Birthday (6 Figure University Book 5)

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $6.12.

As a free bonus, you’ll get access to the chapter of surviving your first year in the business and establishing yourself as a competent and trusted player. New entrepreneurs can go out of business and it’s usually because they didn’t learn the processor weren’t diligent in applying their skills.

Do you want to earn a 6-figure income by your 21st birthday? Do you want to be an entrepreneur, be financially independent and secure a bright future? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, keep reading …..

You are already on your way!

The fact that you’re reading this means you’ve decided to change your life for the better. And either you’ve realized or will soon realize that you need to follow a structured plan to achieve success.

As an entrepreneur with several decades of experience. I know what it takes to startup succeed. In this book, I will teach you exactly what needs to be done to start your own empire

As a teenager, it may be difficult to find the answers to basic questions. On the other hand, there are some very successful young entrepreneurs earning big money. But they won’t reveal their secrets without you paying a lot of money or buying a course

Of course, everyone wants to succeed and ear a lot of money. But can you be a young entrepreneur, who runs a great business, just like the young entrepreneurs discussed in this book? The answer is YES! In 6 Figure Teens: Make Six Figures Before Your 21st Birthday. I will show you how this is possible

Don’t panic, it’s not too late.

Becoming a teenage entrepreneur isn’t easy. But, it’s easier than you think once you learn the tips & tricks to become good at the fundamentals of running a business.

You don’t want until you’re older and deal with the burden of financial worries, having an unpredictable income, or having your relationships affected because of money issues.

These are just some of the issues that you can face if you don’t have a steady income.

For the sake of time, I won’t go into details. However, my goal is to save you from ever experiencing these situations.

Being an entrepreneur is challenging, which means it’s a 24-hour job. Doing your homework and acquiring the necessary skills means that you would save yourself from any unforeseen circumstances.

In 6-Figure Teens, you’ll discover:

Getting an in-depth overview of entrepreneurship
Securing all the necessary licenses
Planning the beginning part of your journey
The do’s and don’ts of owning a business
Finding clients and negotiating better rates
….. And much more!
As a free bonus, you’ll get access to the chapter of surviving your first year in the business and establishing yourself as a competent and trusted player. New entrepreneurs can go out of business and it’s usually because they didn’t learn the process or weren’t diligent in applying their skills. But being disciplined and following a proven system to deliver results will make a world of difference and it’s so simple to follow that even a caveman could do it. And even if you don’t have any guidance before today, you can become a successful teen entrepreneur. So, if you want to avoid failing at being your own boss, and earn a comfortable 6-figure income in the next few years, scroll up and click the “Add to Cart” button and let’s get started!

One more thing …..

If you’re looking for a book about running a business … this is the book for you
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Written By: Maurice Sanders


Maurice Sanders


Maurice Sanders is a serial entrepreneur. He is an eternal optimist and has a knack for adventure. Having seen his fair share of ups and downs in life, he continues to develop businesses and jumpstart new ventures.

He also owns several properties that deliver a steady cash flow. He also possesses a flair for teaching entrepreneur skills and has also taught at the Chicago Urban League.

Maurice holds a bachelor’s degree in computer science and marketing from Northern Illinois University.

A couple of his favorite quotes include:

“Success is the progressive step towards a worthy goal”

“You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read”

When he is not working, he is sculpting or coaching new entrepreneurs into launching successful business ventures. He also enjoys travelling and thinking about his next journey in life.

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