Passionate Shadow: A Story of Work Place Lust

Passionate Shadow: A Story of Work Place Lust

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As an intern with the GolanaCorp pharmaceutical company, Chloe is assigned to be Steven’s shadow, to follow him around, work for him and learn from him. He initially appears to resent this arrangement, but it is only because Chloe’s presence is driving him to distraction.

Steven is a young executive – powerful, confident and successful, yet secretly unhappy. He has little in his life that makes him feel happy and accomplished outside of his work. Yet his presence has not gone unnoticed.

As an intern with the GolanaCorp pharmaceutical company, Chloe is assigned to be Steven’s shadow, to follow him around, work for him and learn from him. He initially appears to resent this arrangement, but it is only because Chloe’s presence is driving him to distraction.

A business trip will put them in close contact and close quarters for days. During this time, their passions will rise and become irrepressible. Finally, they must confront Steven’s past if they are to enjoy the present or think of the future.


Written By: Jennifer West


Jennifer West


Jennifer West lives in the town of Angel Fire, in the Rocky Mountains of New Mexico. In addition to writing, she enjoys skiing and ziplining at the Angel Fire Resort. She has three dogs, Larry, Moe and Curly, all of them rescues.

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