Money Multiplier: Spend Your Way to Wealth

Money Multiplier: Spend Your Way to Wealth

Original price was: $5.99.Current price is: $3.85.

If anyone has ever told you that you can save your way to wealth, they may have done so with good intentions but they were wrong. In fact, every dollar that you put away into a savings account is not only stagnant, it is actually LOSING value each year.

Why traditional savings are ineffective & what investment options are right for you.
Do you want to pay off your student loans?
How about buying your first home?
Does a trip around the world sound like something you’d enjoy?
I have personally accomplished all of these things and you can too! The secret is not to make a lot of money or save 50% of your income. The true way to wealth is to spend your money, but spend it wisely. Many people believe that by getting a raise and putting the difference into their savings account each month they will be able to do these things. This is unfortunately not the case.

To build real wealth and achieve these goals, you have to step out of the world of saving and start spending that money on investments that will make your money work for you!

If anyone has ever told you that you can save your way to wealth, they may have done so with good intentions but they were wrong. In fact, every dollar that you put away into a savings account is not only stagnant, it is actually LOSING value each year.

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