Greta Tintin And The Precious Stone (The Norrland Novelettes Book 1)

Greta Tintin And The Precious Stone (The Norrland Novelettes Book 1)

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Ever since Greta can remember, a powerful, magical wildfire has raged through the forest she calls home. Greta cannot help but wonder what will happen if they allow the fire to continue burning until nothing is left. When she voices her concerns, though, she is forbidden to question the wildfire. She is told the director has full control over the magical fire. But does he?

Ever since Greta can remember, a powerful, magical wildfire has raged through the forest she calls home. Greta cannot help but wonder what will happen if they allow the fire to continue burning until nothing is left. When she voices her concerns, though, she is forbidden to question the wildfire. She is told the director has full control over the magical fire. But does he?

When Greta decides to take matters into her own hands, she is joined by old and new friends as they journey to the heart of the wildfire and attempt to extinguish it on their own. They will be met with some of the toughest challenges they have ever faced, but Greta is determined to save her home – even if it means sacrificing herself to do it.

Along the way, she discovers she may have magic of her own if she can learn how to use it. And she’ll have to learn fast. The wildfire is spreading quickly and is more dangerous than she ever imagined.

A timely and yet folkloric tale, Greta Tintin and the Precious Stone will sweep readers away and leave them with the knowledge that anyone can effect change if they only have the courage to speak up. Inspired by real-life Nobel Peace Prize nominee and teenage activist, Greta Thunberg, whose movement is now perceived by OPEC as the “greatest threat” to the fossil fuel industry, comes the story of Greta.


Written By Yernar Alippek


About Yernar Alippek


Yernar Alippek is from Kazakhstan where he earned his Master’s degree in International Affairs at the Institute of Diplomacy in Nur-Sultan. “Greta TinTin And The Precious Stone” is his first book in series of “The Norrland Novelettes”.

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