The Little Embryo That Could: An Introduction to IVF for Children

The Little Embryo That Could: An Introduction to IVF for Children

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $5.79.

You did the work, you and your wife created the most beautiful child in the world by IVF. Now what? As you enter the next stage of your life you may begin to struggle to find the words to explain IVF to your child.

You did the work, you and your wife created the most beautiful child in the world by IVF. Now what? As you enter the next stage of your life you may begin to struggle to find the words to explain IVF to your child.

The little embryo that could is a colorful children’s book that explains the basic process of IVF. This book will open the doors to have a positive conversation regarding conception, delivery and birth by means of IVF.

Sit back and enjoy the ride as I explain this process to my own son, conceived through IVF!

Don’t worry, we will have families from all forms coming soon!


Written By: Megan Pounders

Megan Pounders



 Just a small-town girl, born and raised in Texas. One morning I woke up and decided I would write my son a book explaining his birth story. It is a unique one, so I decided I would self-publish it in hopes it could benefit other families like ours. While this is a basic version of IVF, keep in mind it was written to a 2-year-old.

I hope my book helps open up the conversation in your own home one day. This would not be possible without the love and hard work of my wife, Amy. She holds this family together and never tells my dreams no, and I have plenty of them. We are building our life one little embryo at a time, here is our story.

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